Ultimate 4 Day Inca Trail to Machu Picchu

Join hundreds of satisfied hikers – book your Ultimate 4 Day Inca Trail Trek now!

Group Size

Max 12 people



Type Trip



4 Days


Discover the wonders of an ancient civilization on the world-renowned 4 day Inca Trail to Machu Picchu. Journey through stunning mountain landscapes, enchanting cloud forests, and awe-inspiring ruins over 4 unforgettable days. This original Inca footpath has been traveled for centuries, and now you can experience the adventure of a lifetime.

Don’t miss your chance to experience the magic of the Inca Trail to Machu Picchu. Book your adventure today and join the ranks of those who have experienced this unforgettable journey.

The Route
  • Day 1: Cusco
  • Day 2: Inca Trail
  • Day 3: Inca Trail
  • Day 4: Machu Picchu


Experience the adventure of a lifetime on the Inca Trail to Machu Picchu, a 15th-century trail built by the powerful Inca Empire. The trail is a masterpiece of engineering, requiring the use of meticulously carved rocks transported from nearby quarries, and offering hikers a glimpse into the ancient world of the Incas.

Travellers on the Inca Trail will journey through a diverse range of microclimates, hiking from the high-altitude puna to the lush jungle, experiencing breathtaking views and stunning natural beauty along the way.

In addition to its natural wonders, the Inca Trail also provides access to a wealth of archaeological sites, including Patallacta/LlactapataRunkurakaySayacmarcaPhuyupatamarcaInti PataWinay Wayna, and Intipunku (Sun gate). These sites offer a fascinating glimpse into the history and culture of the Inca Empire.

But the true highlight of the Inca Trail is its culmination at Machu Picchu, one of the world’s most famous and awe-inspiring historical sites. After three days of hiking through valleys and mountain passes, hikers arrive at Machu Picchu via the Sun Gate, an important construction of the Machu Picchu citadel.

Visit Machu Picchu are ideal partner for exploring the Inca Trail to Machu Picchu. As a 100% locally owned company in Cusco, Peru, they offer a unique and authentic experience of the trail, backed by top-quality equipment and services.

Camping Equipment: The implementation of top-quality equipment such as tents, sleeping pads, and sleeping bags ensures that you have a comfortable and enjoyable hiking experience.

Food: The chefs receive special yearly training to create unique, delicious meals while on the trail, prepared with fresh ingredients and served buffet style. The services include breakfast, snacks, lunch, and happy hours with hot drinks upon arrival at each campsite, as well as dinners with soup, main course, and dessert. We also provide all hikers with potable drinking water while on the trail.

Portable Toilets: They provide portable ecological toilets for the private use of our clients at each of our campsites, ensuring that your experience of the trail is comfortable and hygienic.

Personal Porter: All of our hiking services include porter service, allowing you to take essential of personal belongings on the trail. All of your belongings are carried by our porters, providing you with a hassle-free and comfortable experience.

Hotel to Hotel Service: The services begin with direct pick-up from your hotel accommodation in Cusco or Urubamba and end with a direct drop-off in Cusco, providing you with a seamless experience.

Free Luggage Storage: We offer free luggage storage for all extra bags and personal belongings, ensuring that you can travel light and enjoy your hiking experience.

Top Quality Service: With over 1k excellent reviews on TripAdvisor, We work directly with local operators that provides top-quality service, ensuring that your hiking experience on the Inca Trail is unforgettable. Join us and discover the wonders of the Inca Trail with Local Operators.

Day 1: Cusco to Ayapata

14km Hike Starting at 2,720m/8,923ft and ending at the campsite elevation of 3,300m/10,829ft, Day 1’s 14km hike to Ayapata will present a moderate challenge. Prepare for warm to cold weather as you explore Ccanabamba & Llactapata Inca sites.

Day 2: Ayapata to Chaquiccocha

16km Hike From Ayapata to Chaquiccocha, the 16km hike will present a more challenging trek, taking you to the trail head elevation of 3,300m/10,829ft and ending at the campsite elevation of 3,600m/11,800ft. Brace yourself for the cold weather as you visit Runkuraccay & Sayacmarca Inca sites.

Day 3: Chaquiccocha to Wiñay Wayna

5km Hike On the final day, a 5km hike from a trail head elevation of 2,680m/8,792ft will take you to the majestic Machu Picchu at 2,400m/7,873ft. This moderate hike will lead you to the end of the Inca Trail Trek, but the breathtaking views and rich history of the Sacred City of the Incas will stay with you forever.

Day 4: Machu Picchu, The Sacred City of the Incas

5km Hike On the final day, a 5km hike from a trail head elevation of 2,680m/8,792ft will take you to the majestic Machu Picchu at 2,400m/7,873ft. This moderate hike will lead you to the end of the Inca Trail Trek, but the breathtaking views and rich history of the Sacred City of the Incas will stay with you forever.

The weather in Cusco is mainly influenced by two seasons: the dry season and the rainy season.

The dry season, which runs from April to October, is characterized by sunny and clear skies. This period is generally considered the best time for hiking in the Cusco region.

On the other hand, the rainy season falls between November and March, with heavy rains and short bursts of downpours. The rainy season brings lush greenery and flourishing flora and fauna to the area.

It is worth noting that the Inca Trail undergoes maintenance and is closed in February of each year, and no groups are allowed to operate during this time.

4 Day Inca Trail Itinerary

Get ready for an adventure of a lifetime with Visit Machu Picchu & Local Operators! We’ll start our day bright and early, picking you up from your accommodation in Cusco, Urubamba, or Ollantaytambo. Don’t worry about the time, we’ll make sure to confirm the exact pick-up time during your briefing. After enjoying a delicious breakfast prepared by our talented cook, we’ll take you to the Porter House in Ollantaytambo where you’ll meet your incredible team of porters and your knowledgeable guide.

Then, we’ll hop on a drive to Km 82, passing through the first Inca Trail checkpoint to begin our trek. Make sure you have your original passport with you to enter the Inca Trail. For the first 2 hours, we’ll take a relatively easy walk to our first Inca site, Patallacta, an ancient Inca checkpoint for the approach to Machu Picchu.

From Patallacta, we’ll continue hiking for another 2 hours to reach our lunch stop. After refueling, we’ll embark on a 2½ hour hike to reach our first night’s campsite at Ayapata, 3300 meters high above sea level. Along the way, we’ll pass through 2 small communities where you can purchase any energy drinks, snacks, or essential items that you may have forgotten, such as batteries.

We’ll arrive at our campsite by 5:00 PM where you can relax and enjoy a hot drink and snack with your team of porters, chefs, and guides. By 7:30 PM, you’ll be treated to a delicious dinner, and after, you can finally get some well-deserved rest.

Today’s trek covers a distance of 8.7 miles/14 km and will take around 6-7 hours. It’s considered a moderate day, perfect for getting used to the Inca Trail. The weather will be warm and windy, making for an unforgettable day of adventure. Get ready for tomorrow, because we’ll continue on our journey towards Machu Picchu!

  • Walking distance: 8.7 miles/14 km (~7 hours).
  • Campsite altitude: 3300 meters (high) above sea level.
  • Considered: Moderate day (getting used to the Inca Trail).
  • Weather: Warm and windy.

Day 2 of your adventure with Local Experts is going to be epic! Your porters will be up bright and early to greet you with a steaming hot cup of coca tea, guaranteed to give you the energy you need to tackle the day ahead. We have a long hike ahead of us, so we’ll need to set off as soon as possible.

Our destination for the day is Dead Woman’s Pass, the highest point of the trek at a whopping 4215 meters (13829 feet) above sea level. It’s going to take us around 4 hours to reach the top, but trust us, the views will be well worth it! Once we arrive, we’ll take a short break to catch our breath and soak up the incredible scenery before continuing on to the next valley.

From there, we’ll descend for about an hour and a half to reach our lunch spot, where you’ll have a chance to refill your water bottles and refuel your body with some delicious food prepared by our skilled chefs. After lunch, we’ll begin our ascent to the second pass of the trek. It’s another 2 hours of hiking over the pass, where we’ll stop at a small Inca site called Runcu Raccay to take in the sights of two magnificent waterfalls cascading down the opposite side of the valley.

As we reach the end of our hike, we’ll come across the breathtaking Inca site of Sayacmarca. Here, we’ll take a moment to rest and enjoy a quick tour before taking in the stunning sunset over the Vilcabamba mountain range. From there, it’s just a short 20-minute hike to our second campsite at Chaquicocha, situated by a beautiful dry lake at an altitude of 3600 meters. After dinner, we’ll take some time to do some star gazing and point out the fascinating Inca constellations. Trust us, the sky in this part of the world is a sight to behold!

This is considered the top day of the trek, and you’ll be able to say that you’ve survived the two highest passes. The walking distance for the day is 9.94 miles (16 km) and will take 7-8 hours to complete. Remember to dress warmly and be prepared for the chilly and rainy weather that we may encounter in the Andes and Cloud Forest. Get ready for an unforgettable day with Local Experts!

  • Walking distance: 9.94 miles/16 km (~8 hours).
  • Campsite altitude: 3600 meters (high) above sea level (chilly weather).
  • Considered: Top day (you will have survived the two highest passes)
  • Area: Andes and Cloud Forest.
  • Weather: Cold and rainy.

Day 3 of your Inca Trail adventure with Local Experts is where the real magic begins! After completing Day 2, it’s time to give yourself a pat on the back and prepare for the most picturesque day of the entire trek. Rise and shine at 6:30 am, as we start with a 2-hour hike along the gentle inclines of what we call “Inca flat,” before making our way into the Cloud Forest. 

Along the way, we’ll have the pleasure of witnessing the grandeur of Salkantay, the second highest snow-capped mountain in the Sacred Valley, and the stunning Vilcabamba mountain range. As we approach the end of the Inca flats, we start our ascent to the last peak, Phuyupatamarka (3600 meters), from where we’ll be able to marvel at the beauty of the Urubamba River below us. Here, we get our first glimpse of Machu Picchu Mountain, but the site itself remains concealed. After Phuyupatamarka, we’ll head down a flight of steps for a 3-hour trek to our last campsite, located near Wiñay Wayna (Forever Young). This site is the most remarkable Inca ruin on the trail after Machu Picchu, making it the most popular campsite due to its proximity to the world-renowned attraction.

As we descend, we’ll visit two Inca ruins, Phuyupatamarka (Town in the Clouds) and Intipata (Terraces of the Sun). We’ll arrive at our campsite around 1:00 PM and have lunch, followed by a well-deserved break to recharge our batteries for the next day’s adventure at Machu Picchu. At around 4:30 PM, our expert guide will give you a short orientation, and we’ll visit the Inca ruins of Wiñay Wayna for an hour and a half, where you’ll learn about its historical significance and tie in all the information gathered during the trek. This will give you a full picture of what’s in store for your visit to Machu Picchu the following day. We love to indulge our guests with a farewell feast and celebrate with our incredible team of porters and chefs. 

It’s customary to organize a ceremony in the evening, introducing the team to the guests once again and thanking them for a job well done. If you wish to provide tips for the team, you can do so at this time. We recommend getting to bed early so that you can rise early in the morning and arrive at Machu Picchu at the crack of dawn, hoping to catch a breathtaking sunrise over the ruins.

  • Walking distance: 6.2 miles/10km (~5 hours).
  • Campsite altitude: 2,600 meters (high) above sea level (chilly weather).
  • Considered: An easy day with all downhill walking! 
  • Area: High Cloud Forest.
  • Weather: Warm and very humid.

Explore Machu Picchu: 4 Day Inca Trail

Get ready for the most exciting and magical day of your journey with Local Experts! We’ll wake up bright and early at 3:30 AM, have breakfast at 4:00 AM, and wait at the checkpoint to be one of the first groups to enter the gates of the Inca Trail when they open at 5:30 AM. After saying goodbye to our team of amazing porters and chefs, we’ll set off towards the Sun Gate (Inti Punku).

As we hike, we’ll be greeted with spectacular views of the mountains and a breathtaking sight of Machu Picchu in all its glory. We’ll reach the Sun Gate by 6:30 AM and witness an incredible view of the Lost City of the Incas. Then, it’s just an hour trek down to reach Machu Picchu. The closer we get to the city, the more the views will take our breath away!

At 7:40 AM, we’ll reach the final checkpoint and enter Machu Picchu to begin our 2-hour private guided tour. After the tour, you’ll have the option to explore the city on your own or climb one of the neighboring mountains – Huaynapicchu (arrangements must be made ahead of time).

Your guide will offer to meet you in the village of Aguas Calientes for lunch at a local restaurant. This is optional and not included. During lunch, your guide will give out train tickets, so make sure to arrange to get these before leaving him at Machu Picchu. We’ll book the Expedition class train departing Aguas Calientes at 2:55 PM or 3:20 PM (unless you arranged for an upgraded train). Please be on the platform at least 30 minutes ahead of time. The train ride will be 2 hours to Ollantaytambo or Poroy (based on which train you get), where an Alpaca driver will meet you and drive you back to the city on our bus, then drop you off at your hotel.

Be prepared for a hot and very humid day, so make sure to bring plenty of water. This day will truly be a once-in-a-lifetime experience, and we can’t wait to share it with you!

  • Considered: The most exciting and magical day (early wake up 3.30 AM).
  • Area: High Cloud and Subtropical Forest.
  • Weather: Hot and very humid (bring lots of water).

What's included?

  • Professional Guides: We work with guides who studied English and tourism at Cusco National University. They have grown up in the region and are passionate about teaching others about their heritage. They are fun, yet professional, and ensure the safety and happiness of their clients.
  • Permits and Machu Picchu: A permit is required to enter the Inca Trail, which can only be obtained by licensed Inca Trail tour operators. Once the operator receives the client’s details and deposit, the permit will be purchased. These permits are given for a specific date and in the client’s name. The permit includes entrance to Machu Picchu and cannot be changed once confirmed, except for passport number updates.
  • Briefing: A trek briefing will be held the night before the trek at main Tour Operator’s office with the guide and other members of the trekking group. The client will receive a duffel bag, which should not exceed 7kg/14 lbs and must include a sleeping bag and air mattress if rented or brought by the client. Layering clothes is recommended.
  • A Porter for Personal Belongings: Visit Machu Picchu provides a personal porter who carries the client’s duffel bag. There is no additional fee for this service. The client will not have access to the duffel bag until reaching the evening campsite. The duffel should not exceed 7kg, which includes 4kg of clothes, 3kg for the sleeping bag and sleeping mat.
  • Green Machine Porters: Visit Machu Picchu’s porter team is the most loyal and hardest working on the planet. They carry all camping equipment and food, set up and break down campsites, and assist the chef with food preparation. By law, they can carry up to 20kg max, which is strictly enforced. For a group of 8 trekkers, there will be 15 porters.
  • Trekking Chef and Food: The Visit Machu Picchu chefs prepare amazing meals for breakfast, lunch, and dinner on the mountainside. Meals often start with a nutritious soup and are served family-style, including a protein, salad, assorted sides, and desserts. They cater to all food restrictions and ensure that everyone has enough to make it up the mountain. Clients should inform the Visit Machu Picchu booking agent of any food restrictions at the time of booking.
  • Water: Hydration is essential for trekking, and VMP provides water at each meal, boiled, filtered, and cooled down to ensure it is clean and ready to drink. The client should bring something that can hold at least 3 liters of water. Water will not be provided until the first lunch, so the client should bring enough water for the first morning on the trail.
  • Equipment: We uses the best equipment on the market, including Eureka Timberline 4-person tents shared by only 2 people. Single tents are available for $30US. The company provides large dining tents, pillows, foam sleeping pads, chairs, and dishes.
  • Hotel to Hotel Service: VMP picks up clients from their hotels on the morning of the trek and drives them to KM 82 in their comfortable van. After the trek, clients are driven from the train station back to their hotel or Air BNB.
  • Transportation and Train Service: VMP includes all logistics, including the bus ticket from Machu Picchu to Aguas Calientes and the tourist class train from Aguas Calientes to Ollantaytambo.
  • First Aid: At Visit Machu Picchu, your safety is our number one concern. All of our guides receive training every year by a medical doctor. They also carry first-aid kits and full oxygen tanks to ensure that you are well taken care of. In the rare case of an emergency, we will get you off the trail as quickly and comfortably as possible and take you directly to a clinic for treatment.
  • Extras: We take pride in the small details that set us apart from other tour companies. Each trekker receives a small pillow to sleep with, a foam mattress for insulation, a day pack cover to protect their belongings while hiking, and a rain poncho. We also provide hot water bins every day to help our clients feel refreshed and clean at night. And, every evening, we enjoy a happy hour to relax and unwind while discussing the day’s events. We are dedicated to working hard to make your vacation the best possible experience.

  • Taxes and Fees: At VMP, we believe in transparency. That’s why all taxes and permit fees associated with this trek are included in our price. There are no hidden fees, so you can rest easy knowing exactly what you are paying for.

  • Satellite PhonesOur guides carry fully charged satellite phones during the trek for emergency situations. This ensures we can stay connected to doctors, hospitals, or friends at all times, providing you with peace of mind. The phones can also be used for non-emergencies. Although they are not cheap to use, they are available just in case you need to check in on your pet at home.

Day 1:

  • Briefing at our office the night before and duffle bags provided
  • Hotel pickup and start the hike
  • Extra luggage storage available
  • Breakfast included
  • Drive to Km 82 in our bus
  • Porters’ bus to transport their things
  • Entrance ticket to Inca trail provided
  • Porters carry your camping stuff
  • Snack provided for the hike
  • Lunch with appetizers, main course, and hot drinks
  • Happy hour with hot drinks
  • Tents for two people with foam pads provided

Day 2:

  • Wake-up call with coca tea in your tent
  • Breakfast included
  • Snack provided for the hike
  • Lunch with soup, main course, and hot drinks
  • Drinking water in the morning, lunchtime, and dinnertime
  • Happy hour with hot drinks upon arrival at the campsite
  • Dinner included

Day 3:

  • Wake-up call with hot drinks
  • Breakfast included
  • Snack provided
  • Drinking water available
  • Our team carries 7kg of your clothes
  • Lunch and happy hour provided
  • Visit Inca sites
  • Happy hour and dinner included

Day 4:

  • Early breakfast provided
  • Snack provided
  • Entrance ticket to Machu Picchu provided
  • Guided tour of Machu Picchu
  • Bus ticket from Machu Picchu to Aguas Calientes
  • Expedition class train with great views
  • Bus transfer back to your hotel in Cusco

Additional items that are not included in the tour package are rentals and Huayna Picchu entrance.

If you need a sleeping bag, inflatable air mattress, or walking sticks, they are available for rent. It is recommended to bring a sleeping bag when camping. The rental prices are $20 for a sleeping bag, $15 for an inflatable air mattress, and $15 for a pair of walking sticks with rubber tips.

Huayna Picchu is a mountain next to Machu Picchu that offers a 45-minute hike to the top. If you want to climb it after your Machu Picchu tour, you need to pay an additional fee of $75. Keep in mind that the descent can be steep and scary for those afraid of heights. Due to its popularity, you need to make arrangements at least a month in advance. Please note that the weather is not within our control.

4 Day Inca Trail Prices & Upgrades

  • Price per person: $779
  • Student discount: $35 off per person for anyone with a valid university student card or who is 17 years old or younger. To receive the student discount, we need to see a copy of the university student card or passport at the time of booking. 

Huayna Picchu mountain: An additional entrance ticket costing $75 per person, offering a 45-minute hike to the top. Tickets can be purchased for the first session from 7-8 AM or the second session from 10-11 AM. We purchase the second session for our clients, allowing them to enjoy their tour of Machu Picchu before starting the trek.

Machu Picchu mountain: An additional entrance ticket costing $75 per person, offering even more stunning views than Huayna Picchu but takes an hour and a half to reach the top. The ticket is only valid for a specific timeframe between 9-10 AM, and you cannot hike the Inca Trail and Machu Picchu Mountain on the same day.

Vistadome Train: An upgraded train with larger seats, windows, and entertainment that costs $75 per person. The train leaves at 4:43 PM and travels to Poroy, a train station closer to Cusco. Transportation back to your hotel is included. Our tours typically include the Expedition Train, which leaves at 4:22 PM from Aguas Calientes.

Packing list

  • Passport
  • Valid student ID (if applicable)
  • Immigration card (given on the plane upon entering Peru)
  • Good daypack (smaller is better)
  • Water storage (such as a Camelbak) with at least 2-3 liters capacity
  • Comfortable hiking boots with good soles
  • 2-3 wicking t-shirts
  • 2-3 hiking pants
  • 4 sets of undergarments
  • 4 sets of hiking socks
  • 1 fleece jacket
  • 1 warm down jacket (it gets very cold at night)
  • 1 rain jacket and pants
  • 1 sun hat
  • 1 wool hat
  • Headlamp
  • Waterproof gloves
  • Comfortable shoes for camp
  • Walking boots
  • Waterproof jacket or rain poncho
  • Quick-dry towel
  • Small bottle of soap
  • Battery charger (there’s no place to plug in while trekking)
  • Large plastic bags for organization and keeping things clean
  • Sleeping bag rated for at least -10C
  • Sunscreen
  • Face moisturizer
  • Bug spray
  • Hand sanitizer
  • Wet wipes
  • Toothbrush and toothpaste
  • Toilet paper
  • Personal medication
  • First aid kit (band-aids, moleskin, etc.)
  • Water (you are responsible for your first morning of water only)
  • Sunhat
  • Rain gear
  • Fleece
  • Camera
  • Music player
  • Hand sanitizer
  • Toilet paper and small plastic bag for waste
  • Extra money for souvenirs, drinks, and tips
  • Earplugs

Travel Info

You will have a briefing the night before your trek at 6:30 PM. It will take approximately 30 to 45 minutes long. If you are unable to make it, please coordinate another time with a member of the Expeditions office team. You will receive your duffel bags during the briefing.

For the 2-day Inca Trail Trek with hotel, a briefing is not included. Our office staff will review all the details during your check-in time.

Your duffel bags will be given to you during your briefing. Your porters will carry them and have them returned to you at each campsite. They measure 66 cm long x 36 cm wide/2ft long x 1ft wide. Each duffel bag has a maximum weight of 7kg. Please remember that 4kg will be for your clothes and other personal items, while the remaining 3kg will be for your sleeping bag and pad.

Local Expers are one of the few companies that will pick you up directly from your hotel. If your hotel is located in the center of Cusco city, we will coordinate a pickup time based on a time that your guide will discuss during the briefing. Depending on traffic conditions and previous pickups, pickup times may vary between 30 – 45 minutes.

It is important to note that smaller hotels and Airbnbs are often located on streets that cars can´t pass through. They also are frequently on hillsides with long steep climbs, making it difficult to carry luggage. We highly recommend that you book accommodations with better access. You can check our hotel list for comfortable accommodations with easy access to pick up and drop off.

When leaving Machu Picchu, you will take a 25-minute bus ride from Machu Picchu to Aguas Calientes village. Buses are first come first serve and run all day. From there, you will take a train to Ollantaytambo or Poroy, depending on your itinerary. You will be given your train tickets during the briefing. Make sure you arrive at the platform 30 minutes ahead of time.

Once you arrive at the train station, look for a man wearing green with an Local Expers sign. He will then drive you to San Francisco square, Cusco. The van ride from Ollantaytambo to nearby San Francisco square takes 2 hours, while the van ride from Poroy to nearby San Francisco square takes 30 minutes.

Once you arrive nearby San Francisco square, you will separate into separate pre-paid taxis and driven back to your hotel.

Machu Picchu now has two different time windows for visits: morning or afternoon. Your entrance ticket will be valid for only one session. The morning session is from 6 AM to 12 PM, and the afternoon session is from 12 PM to 5:30 PM. However, if you have tickets to hike Huaynapicchu or Machu Picchu Mountain, you will have some extra time until 2:30 PM.

Machu Picchu is a beautiful site, and many people enjoy hiking one of the mountains next to the ruins after their tour.

Huaynapicchu is the most popular mountain, and it often sells out quickly, so it is best to book in advance. The hike takes around 45 minutes to reach the top and another 45 minutes to come back down. Tickets are sold in time sessions, and you can choose between the first session from 7-8 AM or the second session from 10-11 AM. We usually book the second session so that you can enjoy your tour with your guide first. You will do this hike on your own, but your guide will show you where to start.

Machu Picchu Mountain is a bit longer and less popular than Huaynapicchu. It takes around 1.5 hours to reach the top and another 1.5 hours to come back down. Again, there are two time windows for this hike, from 7-8 AM and 9-10 AM, and we usually purchase the second time window.

If you are doing a 4 or 7-day Inca Trail trek, you will have to book Huaynapicchu Mountain for the second day of your visit to Machu Picchu. If you are doing the 2-day Inca Trail trek, you will have to book Machu Picchu Mountain for the second day of your visit to Machu Picchu.

Make sure to tell your guide about any health conditions or concerns that you have. Though our guides are not medical professionals, they have first aid training. You are responsible for assessing whether a tour is suitable for you. We recommend consulting with your physician to confirm your fitness for travel, participation in planned activities, and vaccinations or medical precautions you may need. If you develop extreme altitude sickness or any other illness that prevents you from hiking, we will help you coordinate a visit to Machu Picchu by train.

When you book a group tour, be aware that everyone has different hiking skills and ages. Your guide will work with the group to ensure everyone has a good time. If necessary, the guide will make modifications to the tour to fit the group’s needs.

Strikes are frequent in Peru and can disrupt tours. We will do everything we can to ensure your trek continues as planned, but tours might need to be canceled under certain circumstances. Your safety is our top priority.

You are responsible for your items throughout the tour. Remember to be diligent about where you leave your things, and do not leave anything unintended during your hike.

Tipping is part of the tradition of any trek to Machu Picchu. We recommend tipping porters and chefs between 50 and 200 soles depending on the trek. For the guide, it’s more personal and should be decided based on your relationship with them. You can tip with U.S. dollars, Peruvian soles, or even your credit card.

Travel insurance is strongly recommended, as adventure travel includes more risk than the average trip. We can help recommend an agent to walk you through this type of insurance if needed.

The weather in Cusco is unpredictable. Even during the dry season from April through October, it can still rain. Bring rain gear that includes a waterproof jacket, pants, poncho, and waterproof gloves. Layers are key to adjusting to different temperature changes. Prepare for the evening’s cold temperatures with a warm packable down jacket.

Altitude sickness is a concern when traveling to high elevations. Spend at least two days in Cusco before beginning any trek in the Andes to help your body adjust to the lower amount of oxygen in the air.

To avoid altitude sickness in Cusco, it is recommended to take things slowly and allow your body time to adjust to the altitude. It is also important to stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water and avoiding alcohol and coffee, which can dehydrate you. Coca tea can be helpful in preventing altitude sickness and is a traditional remedy used in the region. 

Additionally, avoid smoking and sleeping pills, which can make it harder for your body to get the oxygen it needs. If you’re planning to take medication to prevent altitude sickness, it’s recommended to start taking it a couple of days before you reach high altitude and continue taking it while you’re there. 

Remember, the trek to Machu Picchu is not a race, so go slow and enjoy the journey. If you do experience any symptoms of altitude sickness, let your guide know right away as they are trained to help you through it.

To get to Cusco, you can take a plane or a bus. The airport in Cusco is only for domestic flights, so international travelers must first fly to Lima and go through Customs. Even if your flight to Cusco is on the same day with the same airline, you must pick up your bags in Lima and then check them back in.

The best way to get to Cusco is by plane, and there are many airlines to choose from. LATAM has the most options, but it’s usually the most expensive and flights may be delayed or canceled due to the high altitude of Cusco and the weather. If you’re coming from a city closer to Cusco, like Puno, taking a bus is a good option, although the trip can be long, especially from Lima. Buses in Peru are comfortable and well-maintained, but the trip from Lima will take about 20 hours or more.

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Ultimate 4 Day Inca Trail Trek to Machu Picchu

Price from
$ 779 USD
per person

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Why choose Visit Machu Picchu?

At Visit Machu Picchu (VMP), we take great pride in being a 100% local company, with a team of knowledgeable and experienced locals who are passionate about sharing the beauty of our country with visitors from all over the world. Our commitment to our community and the people who call it home is at the heart of everything we do. When you choose to travel with us, you’re not just experiencing the best of what our country has to offer, you’re also helping to support our local economy and provide job opportunities for the people in our community.

We believe that travel is about more than just sightseeing – it’s about creating meaningful connections with the places and people we encounter along the way. As a locally-owned and operated company, we have deep roots in our community and are committed to responsible and sustainable tourism that gives back as much to our community as it does to our clients. By choosing to travel with Visit Machu Picchu, you’re not just getting a great travel experience – you’re also making a positive impact on the people and places you visit.

Visiting Machu Picchu

Incredible Inca 4 Day Trail Porters

Discover who they are, what they do, how much to tip, and more.

Machu Picchu

4 Day Inca Trail Campsites

Experience the Inca Trail like never before by camping in breathtaking campsites along the way

Visit Machu Picchu

4 Day Inca Trail Bathrooms

Discover the bathroom facilities along the famous Inca Trail in Peru

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